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What is a rose flower?

The rose is probably one of the most well-known flowers in the world. This flower grows in the form of small bushes and grows only in the most special soils and weather. There is some confusion about the origin of this particular flower, but most research suggests that it originates from the Middle East.Rose is known in the world as “damask rose”. There are approximately 150 species of roses with thousands of hybrid species in the world. There are reports of the distillation of rosehips by Iranians in 1612. However, there is a romantic story about the discovery of the essential oil of the rose, which is related to Shah Jahan, who built the Taj Mahal for his wife.Steam distillation of rose petals is not an easy task.


What is rose essence and what do you know about its unique properties?

Rose essential oil is a very expensive and fragrant herbal essential oil obtained from rose petals. This herbal essential oil is a thick liquid that has many health benefits. Rose essence is recommended in traditional medicine to treat many problems. Also, this herbal product is widely used in massage therapy and aromatherapy.

Rose essential oil is basically extracted from rose petals through steam distillation. A lot of petals of this flower are used to obtain this product. This essential oil is widely used all over the world because of its many properties.Rose essence is considered a very useful elixir for the skin and is one of the most popular ingredients used in the production of skin care products. It instantly brightens dull and tired skin and is one of the best essential oils for treating wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

Rose essential oil is usually extracted from the rose plant, also known as Rosa Damascena. About 10,000 petals are needed to make one pound of this essential oil. Hence making it an expensive herbal essential oil. Rose essence has a very sweet and strong floral scent.

Rose essential oil has been used for thousands of years to treat many ailments and as a natural remedy for skin problems. Its incredible health benefits include treating acne, improving anxiety and depression, naturally increasing libido, and more.

The petals of this flower should be picked by hand in the early hours of the morning during the harvest season in May and June and distilled immediately. In addition to this hard work, millions of petals are required to produce just a few ounces of this precious essential oil. This is why pure essential oil of the rose is so expensive and rare.

The benefits of using rose essential oil

For centuries, the rose has been highly valued for the pure essential oil obtained from its petals. Tens of thousands of flowers are needed to produce 30 ml of this flower’s essential oil. This substance contains a complex set of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with skin soothing and moisturizing properties.
A recent study has also shown that the use of rose essential oil in aromatherapy can calm the senses and help reduce anxiety and depression in patients. The warming aroma of this essential oil increases feelings of relaxation and positivity, making it the best treatment for nervous problems. Other health benefits of rose essential oil include:

It is a strong antioxidant

This herbal essential oil is rich in antioxidants that can detoxify your body and skin and promote a healthy life. Many plant essential oils are rich in antioxidants; Therefore, they are very useful for skin rejuvenation. You can also use these ingredients diluted to improve your skin problems.

It has antimicrobial properties

One of the effective ingredients in rose essential oil is citral, which has very strong antimicrobial properties. If this substance is used topically on the skin, it can help you a lot in cleaning and strengthening the health of your skin. In traditional medicine, this substance is also used to treat diseases such as influenza, colds and bronchitis.

Fights depression

Taking rosehip essential oil has been shown to improve self-confidence and mental strength, while effectively fighting depression and anxiety. You can use this essential oil as aromatherapy or massage therapy to fight depression.

It has antispasmodic properties

One of the main benefits of rose essential oil is that it can effectively relax the body, relieve spasms of the respiratory system, intestines, as well as muscle spasms. Due to its anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties, this herbal essential oil can help you prepare muscles before activity and recover them.

Improves acne

This herbal essential oil is an active ingredient in many skin care products. The antimicrobial properties of rose oil make it an effective natural remedy for acne and other skin problems. Studies have shown that this herbal essential oil has one of the strongest bactericidal activities compared to other herbal essential oils.

It has anti-aging benefits

There are several reasons why rose essential oil can prevent aging and promote skin health. This substance has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that remove free radicals from the skin and thus help the skin to maintain its youth.

Free radicals are the main culprits in damaging skin tissues, which can later lead to other skin problems like wrinkles, rashes, lines, etc. This herbal essential oil prevents damage to the skin by effectively eliminating free radicals in the body.

Enhances libido

As we mentioned earlier, one of the properties of this herbal essential oil is improving mood and having anti-stress properties. In this way, rose essential oil can serve as an excellent treatment for men with sexual dysfunction, which is often associated with stress and performance problems. It can also help balance sex hormones, which can ultimately increase libido.

Improves menstrual problems

Primary dysmenorrhea can be defined as painful cramps in the lower abdomen that occur just before or during menstruation. Studies have shown that the use of this herbal essential oil in the form of aromatherapy has been very useful to reduce these pains. Since rose essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces many menstrual pains and improves mood.

The benefits of rose essential oil for the skin

Since rose essential oil is an antibacterial agent, it is very suitable to use it at night to remove facial skin makeup. This magical ingredient improves skin health miraculously. People who use this essential oil to treat their skin problems will notice that they will gradually have smoother and brighter skin. This substance improves blood circulation in the body and promotes skin health.

Rose essential oil is a natural moisturizer. The moisturizing property makes the skin of the face remain bright and fresh. You can mix a few drops of this essential oil with a carrier oil and gently massage it on your skin and see the amazing benefits of this essential oil on your skin.

This herbal product contains vitamin A and strong antioxidants that enable it to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. Regular use of rose essential oil reduces skin wrinkles and provides fresher and younger looking skin. In addition, rose essential oil is also useful for treating wounds.

The benefits of rose essential oil for hair

Hair can become shinier and healthier with the help of rose oil. This essential oil is a great nutrient to promote healthy hair from root to tip, as it acts as a hydrating product. Using this herbal product to improve hair health is very easy and only a few drops are needed. For this, you can dilute a few drops of rose essence with some carrier oil and apply the resulting mixture to your hair twice a week.

If you suffer from hair loss, you can benefit from the benefits of rose oil. Massaging this essential oil on the scalp is enough to make the hair follicles stronger and stick more firmly to the hair roots. The antiseptic properties of this essential oil also fight against bacteria and dirt; Therefore, hair follicles become stronger and prevent hair loss.

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